Ugandan students prepare for East African law moot competition

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Ugandan students prepare for East African law moot competition
Raphael Baku speaks to law students.

Law students from across different universities in Uganda have gathered at Nkumba University in Entebbe in preparation for the All East African Law Moot completion slated for May, 2024 in Arusha-Tanzania.

According to the president of Uganda Law Students Association, Mwanje Gideon, selected winners from Uganda will now prepare to compete at the regional level.

“It’s an honor and privilege that as students of Law, we are trying to achieve on the part of the integration of East Africa. This being the first competition, we hope next year's moot,will be so enjoyable” he stated.

Mwanje called  for the need by Uganda National Council for Higher Education to consider and incorporate the East African law as a course unit in recognized law schools across universities in the country to pave the way on East African Integration.

Most law students decried mushrooming cases of injustices from the host judges who award imbalanced scores within the competitive students.

Tumwesigye Jimmy, a participant and law student from Uganda Pentecostal University said, “Universities who host these moot national competitions should know there’s a need for transparency and independence of judicial officers that normally preside over these competitions in order to award fair judgments. Tomorrow’s future lawyers are nurtured from here.”

An advocate of the courts of judicature and lecturer at Nkumba University Law School, Baku Rapheal said such a competition gives students an opportunity in legal practice of judicial engagements under the jurisdictions of the East African court of justice.

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